
Apologies from Pavi and me for vanishing from this blog. Much has happened in the past few months:

  • A title survey was conducted for our book on the Aravind Eye Care System. Our publisher remarked that they typically get 60 to 80 respondents. This survey got 350!
  • The title for the book is: Infinite Vision: How Aravind Became the World’s Greatest Business Case for Compassion
  • Our draft manuscript has been submitted and it has been sent out to reviewers; we are slowly beginning to receive valuable feedback
  • A final manuscript will be submitted end-January, and it should be in the bookstores (real and digital) by September 2011

Thank you for all your support and thoughts so far — there will be more from us in the months to come…

One thought on “Update

  1. Anita says:

    Suchi, I found my way here after ages. Congratulations! I am thrilled to hear the lovely news. Will eagerly await the book’s release:)

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